Monday, May 9, 2022

Foldscope Instruments Announces Citizen Science Project Collaboration

Foldscope Instruments Inc. Logo

Soil Science Lab Logo

Foldscope Instruments, Inc. is partnering with the Soil Science Lab Team for their citizen science study on soil quality.

PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA, NORTH AMERICA, May 9, 2022 / -- Foldscope Instruments, Inc. has become a leader in affordable scientific instruments with the primary mission of making science accessible to everyone. As part of the company’s outreach activities, Foldscope Instruments is partnering with the Soil Science Lab Team to engage 400 citizen scientists who will characterize soil quality through data such as microscopy images from Foldscopes.

Citizen science is the involvement of

the public in scientific research – whether through community-driven research or global investigations. The Soil Science Lab is a citizen science longitudinal study designed to analyze the impact of climate change by collecting atmospheric, soil, and nematode (roundworm) data. Individuals participating in the project can access and share the aggregate data, potentially inspiring innovations that may improve soil quality management or may help us adapt to climate change.

“The Soil Science Citizen Science Project reflects our passion to create an accessible and inclusive international research collaboration,” said Dr. Aidyl Gonzalez-Serricchio, co-creator of the Soil Science Lab. “In collaboration with Foldscope, we hope to make science more accessible and allow students to ‘DO SCIENCE AND HAVE A GLOBAL IMPACT’.”

Dr. James Cybulski, co-inventor of the Foldscope and co-founder of Foldscope Instruments, Inc., is optimistic about the partnership, “Not only is this aligned with our mission to make science accessible, but by providing Foldscopes, everyone will have the opportunity to collect data and be a part of something that could promote incredible change.”

To learn more about Foldscope Instruments’ collaborations such as the Soil Science Lab, or to become a citizen scientist, visit

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