On Wednesday, November 27th, President Obama will pardon the 2013 National Thanksgiving Turkey and once again the American people will decide which bird takes the title.
Turkeys have carved out a pivotal role in the holiday season at the White House since the 19th century, but last year, for the first time, the pardon winner was chosen through a competitive online vote.
Which of these two turkeys will be plucked from obscurity and awarded the title? Hatched on the same day on the farm of John Burkel near Badger, Minnesota, Caramel and Popcorn may have been raised together, but each has flown their own path. Caramel is a steady and deliberate bird that enjoys soybean meal and rocking out to Lady Gaga. When Popcorn is feeling peckish, he can't stop snacking on his namesake, corn, and has been known to strut around to Beyonce's "Halo".
People all across the country are flocking to cast a vote, so be sure to learn more about Caramel and Popcorn, listen to them croon their distinct gobble sounds and then tell us who you think should be named the National Thanksgiving Turkey!
Are you on #TeamCaramel or #TeamPopcorn? Find out how you can vote on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook at Whitehouse.gov/Turkey.

We'll count up the hashtags to make sure there's no fowl play. The deadline for voting is 8pm ET on Tuesday, November 26th.
Don't forget to tune in to President Obama's remarks and the ceremony on Wednesday, November 27th on http://wh.gov/live at 1:15 pm ET to find out which turkey has been selected as the 2013 National Thanksgiving Turkey. And for more on how this Presidential tradition came to be check out the definitive history of the Presidential Turkey Pardon.
Note: It's all gravy -- no turkeys will be harmed during the selection of the National Thanksgiving Turkey. After the pardoning, both turkeys travel to George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens where they will be on display for visitors during "Christmas at Mount Vernon." The turkeys will then travel to their permanent home at Morven Park's Turkey Hill, the historic turkey farm located at the home of former Virginia Governor Westmorland Davis in Leesburg, Virginia. Additionally, if for any reason one turkey is unable to perform the duties of the National Thanksgiving Turkey, his alternate will take his place during the National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation.
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