Tuesday, July 30, 2019

190 West Cliff Project: Public Hearing on August 15, 2019

Join the Planning Commission at 7pm on August 15th!

The 190 West Cliff Project Application will be heard by the Planning Commission and public on Thursday, August 15, 2019.
Post Date: 07/26/2019 5:00 PM

Join the Planning Commission at 7pm on Thursday August 15, 2019 to hear about the 190 West Cliff project application and provide public comment.  190 West Cliff 3

 Two Ways to Submit Comments

If you cannot attend the public hearing or want to submit comments in writing, you may do so in two ways. 
  1. Submit Comments Via the Online Portal - visit the project page where you can submit comments online. 

  2. Email Comments (Best Way If You Have Attachments) - cityplan@cityofsantacruz.com 

Regular meetings of the Planning Commission are held in the City Council Chambers located at 809 Center Street in Santa Cruz. Agenda materials including the staff report and other information will not be available until 72 hours prior to the meeting, as required by state law; however, every effort will be made to have materials out the Friday before the meeting. Such materials will be available on the Planning Commission page

Upcoming Fontana Yard Sale Weekend: August 2-4, 2019

Yard Sales

Fontana, Calif.- It’s time to start getting the yard sale items together, the third yard/garage sale weekend will be on August 2, 3 and 4, 2019.

Yard/garage sales are only permitted on the first full weekends in February, May, August and November between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. The remaining dates for 2019 are:
  • August 2, 3 and 4, 2019
  • November 1, 2 and 3, 2019
Permits are not required as long as yard/garage sales are held on the above dates. 

If a yard/garage sale is needed on a date other than the approved weekends, an Emergency Yard Sale Permit can be requested. Applications are available at the Fontana Police Department front desk (17005 Upland Ave.) or online. Applications can be submitted in person to the Police Department or by email with a copy of proof of residency. If the permit is for the immediate upcoming weekend, the application must be submitted by Thursday at 3:00 p.m. for approval.

Holding a yard/garage sale on any day other than the specified dates listed above without an Emergency Yard Sale Permit is an infraction and subject to graduated penalties.

For more information, please visit the Yard Sales web page or call (909) 350-7679.

Fremont’s 36th Festival of the Arts - Saturday, August 3

Event Details:
The Fremont Festival of the Arts is back for its 36th year in action. Join the Fremont Chamber of Commerce on August 3 and 4 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. to enjoy California’s premiere art, wine, and music festival in Downtown Fremont. The City of Fremont also invites residents to stop by the City’s booth to meet our staff and learn more about City programs and services. For more information on this year’s festival, please visit Fremont Festival.
August 3
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Downtown Fremont
Fremont, CA


As part of ongoing efforts to enhance community-wide disaster preparedness, the City offers a free course on disaster preparedness for older adults and people with disabilities or mobility issues on Thursday, August 1, 3:30 PM- 4:30 PM at Malibu City Hall (23825 Stuart Ranch Rd., Malibu CA 90265). Will you be able to safely and quickly evacuate during a wildfire, earthquake or other disaster if you rely on a wheelchair, oxygen, medical devices, or do not drive?
Participants aged 55 or older who complete the class will receive a free emergency preparedness kit. (ID required). To register, visit http://www.malibusafety.eventbrite.com or call 310-456-2489 ext. 368 or email sberger@malibucity.org.
Disaster Preparedness Class

Oculus for Teens – MAIN Library – 2:30 PM

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Inglewood Public Library presents Virtual Reality! Explore augmented reality with the Oculus Rift! Main Library, 1st floor, YA room. Call (310) 412-5649 for more information.

July 31, 2019
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Main Library
101 W. Manchester Blvd. 
InglewoodCA 90301

Andy's Auto 70th Anniversary Party

Celebrate the 70th Anniversary of this LOCAL Santa Cruz business!  There will be a savory barbecue and beverages for guests!

Andy's is a place where car enthusiasts can come and receive exceptional service. 

For further information,  please visit https://www.andysparts.net or call 831-423-8400
         Image result for auto clip art          Image result for 70th anniversary clip art

Children’s Chess Club - MAIN Library - 4:30 PM

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Come by the Children’s Department every Wednesday afternoon to play the noble game of chess (as seen in Harry Potter!). Chess is one of the oldest board games in the world, but remains just as fun as ever. All are welcome, even if you’ve never played before. For ages 8 and up (older visitors, please see “Chess for Adults”).

July 31, 2019
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Main Library
101 W. Manchester Blvd. 
InglewoodCA 90301

San Jose Summer Jazz Festival

Friday, August 9

Come show off your dance moves at one of the nation’s most important music festival. Bring the entire family and friends to the San Jose Summer Jazz Festival which features 100+ performances on 12 stages of jazz, blues, Latin, funk, salsa, New Orleans, world, Jazz Beyond, Next gen, and more. Moreover, there’s more than just music –the Fest is the perfect summer experience, with fantastic weather, great food, wine and microbrews; music-themed film screenings and a jazz mass; a family fun zone with great activities for the kids and evening activities for the grown-ups like Fest+ concerts and a free club crawl. It’s a fantastic way to spend a summer weekend.

August 9, 2019
All Day
Time Details:
Friday, Aug. 9 - 5:30 PM to 11:00 PM Saturday, Aug. 10 - 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM Sunday, Aug. 11 - 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Plaza de Cesar Chavez
San JoseCA 95113
Please see website for additional information about tickets.

UC News: UC, UPTE reach tentative agreement on new five-year contracts

The University of California today (July 30) announced tentative five-year agreements with the University Professional and Technical Employees (UPTE) union for UC’s approximately 13,000 health care, research and technical professionals.

“We are very pleased to have reached these agreements with UPTE, giving our employees the competitive pay and excellent benefits they so deserve,” said Peter Chester, the university’s executive director of labor relations. “These employees make significant contributions to UC’s mission and we deeply appreciate their hard work and dedication.”

UPTE-represented employees will vote in the next few weeks to ratify the contracts, which include the following highlights:

·         Compensation: Across-the-board increases of 20 percent for health care professionals and 22 percent for research and technical professionals over five years, plus performance-based step increases and equity increases as appropriate.

·         Health benefits: The same rates as other employees, plus a $25 cap on monthly premium increases on UC’s most popular HMO plans.
·         Retirement benefits: New employees will receive the same pension benefits as current UPTE-represented employees until April 2021, after which time either side may reopen the issue. This is similar to UC’s 2018 agreement with the California Nurses Association.

The two contracts would be effective until fall 2024.

Veterans Resource Center – MAIN Library – 11:00 AM

Thursday, August 1, 2019

The VRC is a dedicated space within the library where veterans and their families can receive guidance in obtaining the benefits and services they have earned. 3rd Floor.

August 1, 2019
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
MAIN Library
101 W. Manchester Blvd. 
InglewoodCA 90301

City of West Hollywood: Consistent with a Rise in Homelessness across the Region, City Sees a Rise in Homelessness, Measured in 2019 LAHSA Count

City Collaborates with Agencies and Community Organizations to Connect People to Resources, Services, Shelter and Housing
Post Date: July 30, 2019 8:58 AM

CityHallThe City of West Hollywood is committed to providing comprehensive assistance to people experiencing homelessness in the City. The City participates in the annual Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority’s (LAHSA) homeless count in an effort to help improve the lives of people experiencing homelessness across the Greater Los Angeles area.

LAHSA has published official results from its 2019 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, which took place in West Hollywood on Thursday, January 31, 2019. The point-in-time data indicates that the LAHSA total count for West Hollywood is 131, an increase from 100 in 2018 and 105 in 2017. Importantly, LAHSA applies a SPA-level multiplier (Service Planning Area) to the raw data in order to standardize the estimates of people living in vehicles, makeshift shelters, and tents. For example, a baseline number of 6 is then calculated with a statistical multiplier to total 8.5. Such multipliers/conversion factors are used to estimate the total LAHSA count across the region, and those formulas change year over year.

West Hollywood’s LAHSA count results factored with multipliers/conversion factors are as follows: Total homeless population – 131; Persons on the street – 111; Persons in cars – 8.5; Persons in vans – 1.7; Persons in RV/campers – 1.9; Persons in makeshift shelters – 5.6; and Persons in tents – 2.6.

The City of West Hollywood’s Homeless Initiative addresses homelessness with a multi-disciplinary, multi-agency, collaborative response. The Homeless Initiative works in close partnership with the City’s contracted and collaborative nonprofit social services providers, the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station, and Los Angeles County agencies to address homelessness. This includes direct street outreach services to homeless community members that offer shelter, substance abuse treatment, health care, mental health services, housing opportunities, and more.

The outreach teams also provide assistance such as food and hygiene kits, as well as blankets, socks, and other emergency supplies.

During the past three years, the City of West Hollywood’s Homeless Initiative has achieved positive measureable results in collaboration with grant-funded community partners, including the following highlights:
•  Ascencia has housed 50 people who were formerly homeless in West Hollywood and Step Up On Second has housed 28 individuals, for a total of 78 people successfully placed into permanent housing. This includes chronically homeless community members who are impacted by severe and persistent mental illness, which make the barriers and challenges in bringing people into service and housing even greater;
•  The LA LGBT Center’s Youth Center has provided emergency shelter and transitional living services for West Hollywood-affiliated youth, including 9,255 bed nights for 87 unduplicated youth;
•  A total of 381 West Hollywood residents accessed City of West Hollywood rental assistance programs through NCJW/LA and the Alliance for Housing & Healing, enabling them to remain in their rental housing in West Hollywood and preventing them from falling into homelessness;
•  Tarzana Treatment Center and Safe Refuge provided detox and residential treatment to at least 22 unduplicated West Hollywood community members who were homeless and McIntyre House’sassisted 35 West Hollywood clients with housing and treatment of which 18 had become homeless due to their substance abuse; and
•  Housing Works provided housing retention services and support to 30 individuals who were formerly homeless in West Hollywood who have been housed through the City’s allocated Continuum of Care vouchers through the Housing Authority of the County of Los Angeles (HACoLA) or through the Housing Authority of City of Los Angeles (HACLA).

The City of West Hollywood’s Homeless Initiative provides on-site outreach and services at West Hollywood Library during weekdays. Outreach is designed for people in the community who are homeless and is coordinated by representatives from direct service nonprofit organizations. The program is a strategic collaboration of the City of West Hollywood, the County of Los Angeles Public Library, and the City’s contracted social services provider organizations.

A three-minute Public Service Announcement (PSA) about the City of West Hollywood’s Homeless Initiative is available on the City’s WeHoTV YouTube channel at https://youtu.be/JTa4e9R8-SI.
If you are concerned about a community member who is homeless, call the West Hollywood Homeless Initiative Concern Line at (323) 848-6590. If your concern requires time-sensitive assistance during nights or weekends, please call the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station at (310) 855-8850. For additional information, please visit www.weho.org/homeless.

For additional information about the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority’s (LAHSA) annual homeless count please contact Corri Planck, the City of West Hollywood’s Strategic Initiatives Manager, at (323) 848-6430 or at cplanck@weho.org. For people who are Deaf or hard of hearing, please call TTY (323) 848-6496. For up-to-date news and events, follow the City of West Hollywood on social media @WeHoCity and sign up for news updates at www.weho.org/email.

Parking Enforcement During the Fiesta Historical Parade

To accommodate the needs of spectators at the Fiesta Historical Parade, the Santa Barbara Police Department will suspend enforcement of 75 and 90-minute curb parking on Friday, August 2, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the areas bounded by the following streets (including the perimeter streets).
Above the freeway: Valerio Street on the north, Bath Street on the west, and Laguna Street on the east.
Below the freeway: Cabrillo Boulevard on the south, Castillo Street on the west, and Garden Street on the east.
This does not apply to City parking lots.
All other parking regulations will be enforced.

Traffic Enforcement during the Fiesta Cruiser Ride
The Santa Barbara Police Department is advising participants of this year's Fiesta Cruiser Ride to expect enforcement of all bicycle related traffic laws. During past events the Police Department has received complaints from the public about disorderly and hazardous conduct by the bicyclists participating in the ride. Additional officers will be deployed to monitor the event which is expected to take place on Sunday, August 4, 2019. Bicyclists are legally required to obey all traffic laws and violators will be cited, as appropriate. In addition, riding a bike under the influence of alcohol or drugs carries the same legal consequences of driving a vehicle under the influence.

The Fiesta Cruiser Ride, also referred to as the Fiesta Cruiser Run, is an unsanctioned cycling event characterized by a large number of participants occupying the roadway. In the past, some of the participants have disobeyed traffic laws resulting in unsafe conditions for themselves and motorists. Traditionally, the Fiesta Cruiser Ride begins in the morning in Santa Barbara's Waterfront area with participants riding to Isla Vista and then returning to the Waterfront mid-afternoon via State Street.

The following are some of the most common bicycle related Vehicle Code violations:
  • 21202(a) VC: failure to ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb, $196.00 fine
  • 21453(a) VC: failure to obey red signal light, $490.00 fine
  • 22450(a) VC: failure to obey stop sign, $237.00 fine
  • 21200.5 VC: riding a bike under the influence
To ensure a safe and enjoyable Fiesta, the Santa Barbara Police Department encourages all motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians to be courteous and to follow the rules of the road.

Anthony Wagner, Public Engagement Manager
Phone: (805) 897-3761
Email:  awagner@sbpd.com

Shiokaze Park gets stamp of approval from beach volleyballers

The lush Tokyo park with a view of the bay was transformed into a beach paradise for the Tokyo 2020 test event, with fans and players alike delighting in the spectacular surroundings. 

The world’s best beach volleyballers have had their first look at Tokyo’s Shiokaze Park, and they’ve given the Olympic Games venue a big thumbs up.

The Tokyo Open, which ran from 24 to 28 July – one year before the Games begin – is a major FIVB competition with a USD 300,000 prize pot. But the tournament was doubly exciting for the athletes this time around, as it was a test event for the Olympics themselves.

The location, format and even the sand were exactly the same as those which will be used at Tokyo 2020. Meanwhile, the stunning surroundings – with views of Tokyo Bay and the Rainbow Bridge – suggested next summer’s tournament can be every bit as memorable as the Rio 2016 event on Copacabana Beach.

The weather conditions also mirrored what athletes can expect next year. After a predicted typhoon failed to materialise, the main pre-event concern was the heat. To counter the climate, participants and spectators were kept cool with devices including mist sprays, wet scarves and ice packs.

“It’s really hot, it’s so different to Norway,” said Anders Mol, whose team with fellow Norwegian Christian Sorum is currently ranked No.1 in the men’s field. “It’s really unusual for us to have this humidity. We have to drink a lot more than we’re used to and we’re also sweating a lot more. We’ve been told it’s going to be maybe the hottest Olympics ever, but we’re excited for it.”

Mol and Sorum beat German pair Nils Ehlers and Lars Fluggen 2-0 (21-17, 21-18) to take the Tokyo Open title. It was their ninth event win on the tour this year and they will be among the favourites to take gold at the Games, but they weren’t making any predictions.

“There are so many good teams out there,” Mol said. “It’s going to be hard for us to keep maintaining this level. I think Russia are really good, Brazil are getting stronger and stronger. The Netherlands, USA. I think there are 15 teams that can win the Olympic Games right now.”

Agatha Bednarczuk and Eduarda Lisboa of Brazil defeated Americans Alix Klineman and April Ross 2-0 (21-19, 21-18) in the women’s final. It was their second title of the season, following their victory at the Ostrava Open in the Czech Republic.

Canada’s Heather Bansley and Brandie Wilkerson won the women’s bronze medal, while the Netherlands’ Alexander Brouwer and Robert Meeuwsen got men’s bronze.
The Tokyo Open adopted the Olympic Games competition format, featuring 24 teams in six round-robin pools, with 16 pairs moving on to the single elimination phase.

“The venue here, the event is very good. Technically it’s run very well,” said FIVB technical delegate Ed Drakich. “The spirit of the volunteers is excellent. The sand is really good. The level of play and athletes are very, very high. We think during the Games it will be a very popular sport.”

Monday, July 29, 2019

National Showcase 2019 Begins This Week in Wenatchee, Washington

Wenatchee, Washington (7/29/19) - National Showcase 2019, hosted by the Wenatchee Figure Skating Club, will be held July 31 to Aug. 4 in Wenatchee, Washington. Competitors will vie for titles in dramatic entertainment, light entertainment, extemporaneous improvisation, duets, mini production and production ensembles.

National Showcase fuses artistic creativity with figure skating, providing a unique combination of artistry and athleticism. The competition is considered a festival of inspiration, and all skaters who qualify are encouraged to participate. Participants include singles skaters, duets, small ensembles of three to seven skaters and large production numbers of eight to 30. Practice sessions will be held Wed., July 31, with competition beginning Thursday morning at the Town Toyota Center.

Competitors qualify for the event by placing in the top four at any showcase/theatrical/interpretive event at sanctioned, nonqualifying competitions in the United States held from the close of entries at National Showcase 2018 to the close of entries for this event. Skaters also earn a spot to compete by placing in the top four at National Showcase the previous year.

This year's competition includes 343 individual skaters and 100 duets/teams from across the country competing in 728 starts during this event.

Events exceeding 15 entrants will include a final round to determine a champion in that category. The highest placed skaters from each preliminary group will participate in the final round of competition. Winners in each event compete in the Parade of Champions, where an overall champion is named in five disciplines (Parade of Champions, Junior Parade Champions, Parade of Duet Champions, Parade of Interpretive Champions and Parade of Adult Champions).

Riele Downs Attends LA Premiere Of Paramount Pictures' "Dora And The Lost City Of Gold"

Los Angeles, California - Eighteen year old actress Riele Downs looking beautiful wore a white dress, pink heels as she attends the LA Premiere of Paramount Pictures' "Dora And The Lost City Of Gold" at Regal Cinemas L.A. Live on Sunday, July 28, 2019 in Los Angeles, California.

Madeleine Madden Attends LA Premiere Of Paramount Pictures' "Dora And The Lost City Of Gold"

Los Angeles, California - Twenty two year old actress Madeleine Madden looking wonderful wore a long, black/white dress, black heels as she attends the LA Premiere of Paramount Pictures' "Dora And The Lost City Of Gold" at Regal Cinemas L.A. Live on Sunday, July 28, 2019 in Los Angeles, California.