Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Exclusive Musician Spotlight: Khaya Cohen

New York City, New York - Sixteen year old New York native Khaya Cohen is a contestant on FOX's The X Factor. Khaya is a beautiful, talented up and coming singer that have been delieving great performances on The X Factor. Lets great to know this sixteen year old The X Factor contestant from New York City.

We recently had the chance to interview Khaya Cohen, here is what she had to say.

When did you start singing?
I've been singing my whole life, but I started taking music seriously when I started high school.

Was it your dream to be a singer?
Nope. I auditioned for the X factor because my friends forced me to. I never thought I'd make it this far, but I'm having a great time! I'm still to young to know exactly what career path I want to follow though!

Tell us about your style of singing?
I am totally an old soul when it comes to singing. I love older artists like the Beatles, Aretha Franklin, Etta James, Otis Redding or Ella Fitzgerald. Since being on X factor I have also learned a lot about the Amy Winehouse, Duffy, Adele kind of style.

Are there challenges pursuing a singing career?
Definitely. It's a lot of pressure to bring the energy and excitement all the time. These are long days and I always have to be "on". There's also a bunch of people giving you instruction and it's hard to please everyone- between the audiences, the authority and myself.

Does your parents and friends support you?
Totally. Everyone back at home is being really nice and supportive. My school has also been really flexible with this whole process. My family has also been amazing and enthusiastic about the whole experience.

Do you write your own songs?
Yes! I did a songwriting camp this summer called SOCAPA and wrote a bunch! I also participate in my school's singing and songwriting program, where I get to perform original songs at the Bitter End twice a year and take a guitar songwriting elective.

If so, tell us what goes into writing a great song?
It's important to have something specific to write about, because otherwise the song will lose meaning. I need a quiet space to write a song. I start with a topic and chords and then let the rest just build itself!

Where was your first performance, were you excited?
My first professional solo performance was at the Bitter End singing an original song.

Where have you been able to perform?
The bitter end, Arlene's grocery, the Living Room, Carnegie hall, jazz at Lincoln center and at my school and music school.

Who inspires you with your singing and songwriting?
I like to have prompts to write about, and good ones come from writing about newspaper articles, movies or books. I'm so young and it makes it hard to write about my own experiences, because I haven't had too many.

If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
When I grow up, I want to open up my own music venue in the city that will host amateur singers to build their confidence and experience. It would be my dream to perform there if I ever can open it!

Along the same line, who would you love to perform with?
I would love to collaborate with Macklemore. I saw him live this summer and he is so charismatic and inspiring. He raps about social issues as well as personal ones, and it would be awesome to work with him.

What are some of your goals for your Music?
I am just seeing where this takes me...I really don't have any specific goals except to stay true to singing the songs I love to sing.

What do you hope to accomplish with your singing/songwriting?
I just want to keep learning and getting better and just write a bunch of songs. I want to stay true to myself and my style.

What three words best describe you and your music?
Relaxed, soulful, alternative.

Do you have any advice for those wanting to start a career in singing and songwriting?
Go for it! It's a lot of fun to perform and learn all about the industry. Just make sure you have a lot of support and that you really know yourself, because it can be really easy to get lost in the madness.

Is there anything else you want our readers to know about you, your singing/songwriting?
I do it for myself. I love to sing and perform because of the thrill and adrenaline it gives me. I don't really feel the need to please others with it, because it's impossible to please everyone.

Do you have any other talents?
I am really academic and I run cross country!

What was it like auditioning and currently completing on "X Factor"?
It's crazy. It was such an unexpected thing for me, and it has been such a learning experience.

How has being on X Factor helped you with your singing so far?
I've learned a lot about the industry, and gotten to work with a lot of people that know so much and have had so much experience. I've opened up a bit in my performance and stage presence, and I've learned a ton of new songs and techniques.

Thank you goes to Khaya Cohen for taken the time to answer our questions.

Be sure to tune in to see Khaya Cohen perform on The X Factor Wednesday nights from 8-10pm and Thursdays 8-9pm for the results.

Khaya Cohen is a strong performer that will go far on The X Factor. You can follow Khaya on twitter (here) and Facebook (here).

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