Monday, June 13, 2022

Doctor of Naturopathy Magdalena Tadlock to be Featured on Close Up Radio

RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, June 13, 2022 / -- According to researchers, over 50 million people in the United States suffer from chronic pain. Seeking relief, we seek out our physicians who will generally prescribe opioids or other medications . Although some of these drugs may alleviate our pain, the potential side effects have resulted in severe consequences and devastating fatalities. The fact is,

our immune system is our greatest defender against diseases, so why do we continually have to depend on pills to cure us? With healthy living strategies, there are absolutely wonderful options to feeling better.

Magdalena Tadlock is an excellent Doctor of Naturopathy. First Aid and CPR Instructor and Trainer, Functional Medicine Practitioner.

“When we make unhealthy nutritional choices we end up with sicknesses and diseases,” says Magdalena. “The standard American diet (SAD) is literally loaded with processed foods. I help you take a more proactive approach to your health. I take a holistic approach by thouroughly assessing you as a whole person, rather than only focusing on one specific symptom, disease, or diagnosis, and providing valuable health information leading to a healthier lifestyle.”

The objective of naturopathic medicine is improving mind, body, and spirit. It also aims to identify the root causes, and implementing natural strategies that will improve or alleviate the clients presenting problems. The focus is on living a healthier lifestyle through maintaining healthy nutrition, a positive mindset, quality sleep, appropriate exercise, good dental health, minimizing environmental toxins, managing stress, and other natural approaches to good health.

In January 1, 2022 Magdalena acquired her Doctorate of Naturopathy from The University of Natural Medicine after retiring from a forty year nursing career. It was her career as a nurse that prompted her to go into natural medicine after realizing how conventional medicine wasn’t actually helping many of her chronically ill patients, who needed to be assessed more thoroughly, and often times were given conventional medicines that provided only temporary relief says Magdelena. In fact, sometimes thetreatment was worse than the diagnosis. Additionally, Magdalena was struggling with her own poor health including pre-diabetes and the stress of her nursing job. Once she made the decision not to undergo surgeries or radiation loaded with toxins, Magdalena began her own amazing natural healing process. Today, her purpose and passion is “to educate as many people as possible to also make the right health choices. People have options when it comes to their health. It is time that as individuals we need to start taking control of our health. Indeed, our health does matter, and we need to know how to best care for ourselves, because we matter.”

Before initiating a restoration protocol for her clients, it’s mandatory they complete a comprehensive assessment that not only covers medical history, but also nutritional status, exposure to environmental toxins, traumatic emotional experiences, physical activities, medications and supplements, dental history, stress management, social and spiritual network, as well as any holistic strategies that they are currently using to alleviate or ameliorate their symptoms. The comprehensive assessment is then reviewed, and analyzed along with their medical records. Further laboratory tests may be needed to get a wholistic picture of the client’s current health status. Only after all the data is collected, will the restoration protocol be initiated and tailored for the client needs.

Magdalena says managing stress is also extremely critical. She encourages us to live an active and healthy lifestyle because sitting around the majority of the day dramatically increase our chances of living a shorter life span by twenty five percent.

Even environmental toxins, the water we drink, the air that we breathe, foods we eat, cell phones, and computers are all putting our health at risk.

“We were put here on Earth by our Creator, with a purpose that we should all be in the best of health physically, mentally, and spiritually. Evidence exists that for thousands of years our ancestors used natural remedies to help alleviate a lot of their ailments, and today a lot of these natural remedies have proven to effectively alleviate many ailments, illnesses, and diseases. We also need to cultivate a positive mindset and live our best lives. Staying healthy is all up to us.”

Close Up Radio will feature Magdalana Tadlock in an interview with Doug Llewelyn on Wednesday June 15th at 2p.m. EST.

Listen to the show on BlogTalkRadio.

If you have any questions for our guest, please call (347) 996-3389.

For more information, visit

Written By: Beatrice Maria Centeno

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